Adriana Marin, Senior Investor Relations Expert, OMV Petrom

Professionals Catalogue

Graduate of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies

19 years of experience


“I believe a company can only benefit from having at least one person on the IR team who knows what investors and analysts want, as they bring this external perspective and can contribute to increasing transparency.”

Adriana Marin has always been drawn to the challenges of the capital market. A graduate of the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, she began her career as a project analyst, but the majority of her career was spent as a sell-side analyst. After nearly two decades in the brokerage field, Adriana felt the need for a change, but she wanted to stay connected to the capital market, an environment in which she feels comfortable.

“After so many years in the brokerage field, I wanted a change, and at the same time, I wanted to somehow remain in the capital market, where I felt at home. I realized that I could make a significant contribution from a position where I would have more information about the company and the sector. Thus, I learned how to sell the company’s story from ‘the other side of the barricade.'”

The successful examples of former colleagues in the industry who made this transition before her also weighed in on her decision. Thus, Adriana Marin chose to continue her career at OMV Petrom as a Senior Investor Relations Expert.

“I believe a company can only benefit from having at least one person on the IR team who knows what investors and analysts want, as they bring this external perspective and can contribute to increasing transparency,” she emphasizes.

As a Senior Investor Relations Expert at OMV Petrom, Adriana Marin works closely with various departments and believes that each discussion offers her a new perspective on the business. This diversity of experiences keeps her motivated and provides constant learning opportunities.

“I was attracted by the fact that this role involves interaction with a very wide and diverse range of stakeholders, both internal (within the company) and external (analysts, investors of all types). Starting with the internal ones: everything we produce as IR materials is first discussed and aligned with people from the company with various roles, and in a company as complex as OMV Petrom, there are quite a few of them. They mainly provide us with the ‘raw material,’ the raw data. Then, the interaction with top management is very important, as we align the messages and determine how to deliver them. This requires a deep understanding of the company, the sector, and regulations, but also a constant willingness to learn more. When it comes to crafting the messages, you need to convincingly explain to management why certain information (both good and bad) needs to be communicated to the market.”

Regarding IR activities, Adriana Marin says that preparation for meetings with investors plays a very important role. “I’m not just talking about preparing the presentation and Q&A documents, but also a brief summary about the fund or its representative, as well as our interaction history with that representative, the questions they asked in the past, whether they are a shareholder, etc.”


As for communication with analysts, Adriana Marin believes it is important for them to understand the company’s operations and the sector in which it operates as well as possible, so they can produce reports that convince investors that the company’s stock is an attractive investment opportunity.

Adriana Marin says that the energy sector is one with continuous challenges, particularly on the regulatory side, where the role of Investor Relations (IR) comes into play. “This is where they need our help the most, in incorporating the impact of these regulations into their models. On the one hand, since MiFID II, the relationship with investors is often no longer mediated by a broker, so we have very detailed discussions with the analysts of these funds on topics similar to those we address with sell-side analysts. When we speak with a portfolio manager, the conversation usually focuses more on strategic plans, sector trends, etc.”

Technological advancements, such as the rise of digital communication platforms and data analysis tools, have transformed the way IR teams interact with investors. Additionally, new regulations require a proactive and strategic approach.

How does she prepare for all of this? She reads extensively about what similar companies are doing and consults with specialists within the company on certain topics to stay up to date with all relevant information. From top management, she learns how to deliver a message more convincingly, and from an investor, how to view things from a new perspective.

In addition to technical skills, Adriana Marin considers interpersonal skills and adaptability essential for being effective in the IR role. “Our role extends beyond traditional financial reporting to encompass broader functions of strategic communication and consultancy. Investor relations professionals need a diverse skill set to effectively navigate the complexity of their role.”

As a representative of OMV Petrom, a company that joined the ARIR community from the beginning, Adriana Marin believes that the Association professionally fulfills its mission of helping companies, especially smaller or newly listed ones on the capital market, improve their communication with investors and analysts, and facilitating access to service providers such as the implementation of ESEF, CSRD reporting, consulting on various topics, etc.


“From the perspective of a large company that has always been a leader in the field of Investor Relations, I believe ARIR can offer immense help in facilitating dialogue with the relevant local and international capital market authorities, gathering feedback from issuers on various capital market regulations, and keeping us up to date with the latest developments in the field. It is an indirect yet effective way to help both the profession and its professionals, who, concerned with the daily or strategic issues of their own organizations, need to keep pace with developments in this area. ARIR must also remain the main forum through which interaction among its members leads to an exchange of experiences and knowledge relevant to all capital market participants.”


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