Individual investors can vote Best listed company until November 21st


Vote HERE best listed company!

The Romanian Investor Relations Association (ARIR) will recognize the performance of listed companies in Investor Relations (IR), for the first time in Romania during AR&IR Gala from November 25th, 2019.

Individual investors active on the Romanian capital market can vote until November 21st the company with which they communicated best in the last year. The vote is carried out through ARIR website and we encourage investors to rate companies’ transparency and the quality of their communication, considering the availability and the pro-activity of their Investor Relations team.

ARIR’s institutional partner in the voting process is Investors Club, the largest investors club, and media partners of the event are FinancialIntelligence, Juridice and

The results will be announced during AR&IR Gala from November 25th, 2019, when will also be announced the ranking for Best CEO, Best CFO, Best Company in IR and Best IR Professional, established following the evaluation of institutional investors from around the world, in partnership with Institutional Investor.

ARIR conducted in the first part of the year the first perception study regarding the communication and the transparency of the listed companies among individual investors.The results of the study support the need to develop dedicated strategies for individual investors, who proved to be very active and informed.

AR&IR Gala is organized with the support of our main partners: ALRO (one of the largest vertically integrated aluminum producers in Europe, ARIR Founding member), Electrica (key player in the electricity distribution and supply market in Romania, ARIR Associate member), TeraPlast (parent company of TeraPlast Group, the largest Romanian producer of construction materials, ARIR Founding member), with the support of Bucharest Stock Exchange (organizes and manages the regulated markets of financial instruments, ARIR Founding member), Electromagnetica (industrial company, manufacturer and supplier of distribution and electricity metering equipment, LED lighting solutions, electric and electronic parts, metal and plastic injection parts, ARIR Founding member), Purcari (one of the leading wine producers in CEE, ARIR Associate member). Monitoring partner is Klarmedia.


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