The investor section of the company’s website has for long not only been used as a tool in which mandatory information is published due to being a listed company. In recent years, it has become a centralizing, interactive tool, where investors expect to find all the relevant information about the company, which provides a complex perspective on the business model, management, company strategy, market positioning, the latest information on the company’s activity and projects.
Currently, the company’s website is the most visible and accessible tool through which the issuer can present its story to investors. Most of the time, the company’s website is the first interaction with a potential investor. It is therefore essential that it contains, in a friendly and interactive manner, relevant information for investors, as well as consistent messages that are intended to be conveyed to the capital market community.
A study conducted by Rivel Research Group in 2020 showed that 64% of institutional investors mentioned that their interest in a company depends on/ is also influenced by the quality of the website.
Another study conducted by IR Magazine in London shows that 82% of retail investors believe that website communication is effective as a dialogue tool between listed companies and investors.
Analysts constantly use company’s websites and the question often arises from IR professionals about what the expectations from the analysts regarding the information presented on the website are.
Also, from the study conducted by IR Magazine in 2022, we learn that, globally, the expectations of analysts who follow listed companies are that at least the following information will be found in the section of the website dedicated to investors:
- Press releases and current reports
- Name of the person responsible for Investor Relations
- Calendar of events scheduled by the company
- Service such as “e-mail alerts” or newsletter
- Credit Ratings
- Analysts’ estimates/ Consensus
- Q&A section
- Social responsibility policies
- Interactive section with information on the evolution of the share price, benchmark / Interactive stock quotas