ARIR and ANES have signed a collaboration partnership in the perspective of implementing new regulations on gender balance in the leadership of the listed companies


Bucharest, August 8th, 2024  – ARIR (the Romanian Investor Relations Association), the promoter of the Investor Relations (IR) concept, announces the signing of a partnership with the National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men (ANES). The partnership aims at joint actions to inform about the new European and national regulations regarding gender balance among listed companies.

Daniela Maior (Șerban), ARIR President, MP VERTIK Group:

“The partnership with ANES continues a long-standing good collaboration and provides a valuable know-how resource for the capital market community. ARIR supports that by adhering to standards of transparency, corporate governance, and proactive communication with investors, companies will benefit from added value, attract financing more easily, and gain the reputation and trust necessary for the continuous development of their businesses. Under these conditions, we monitor the legislative changes regarding gender balance in leadership structures, expressing our position on the transposition of European directives. Once they are transposed, we aim to support listed companies in implementing the new provisions.”

Luminița Popescu, State Secretary, along with Simona Butacu, Undersecretary of State, National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men (ANES):

“By signing the partnership agreement with ARIR, we are addressing the legislative changes that we are closely monitoring and collaborating to identify the best methods for integrating the principles of equal opportunities and treatment between women and men within companies. We support the importance of joint and practical efforts that assist listed companies in implementing Directive (EU) 2022/2381 «Women on Boards». Together with the Financial Supervisory Authority, we will monitor the implementation of the Directive and report Romania’s progress to the European Commission annually. Recently, we approved the Methodological Guide for standardizing the action plan on gender equality and treatment between women and men within public or private entities (Order no. 102/08.05.2024), which will significantly contribute to increasing the overall level of gender equality in Romania, with implications for the application of the Directive aimed at gender balance in the leadership structures of listed companies.”

The first action within the partnership with the National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men took place on June 7, with the participation at leadership level of a representative from ANES at Forum by ARIR 2024. The discussions focused on setting and achieving gender balance objectives in the leadership structures of listed companies. Additionally, there were highlighted aspects regarding the role of ANES alongside the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) in monitoring the activities of listed companies, in accordance with the provisions of the draft law amending Law no. 24/2017, which transposes Directive (EU) 2022/2381. This directive requires listed companies to establish selection procedures and specific gender balance objectives for their boards of directors.

According to the Women on Boards directive, by mid-2026, each listed company in the European Union must have at least 40% representatives of the underrepresented gender in non-executive director positions or at least 33% representation of both executive and non-executive directors.


About the Romanian Investor Relations Association (ARIR):

ARIR is the promoter of the Investor Relations (IR) concept in Romania and we believe that by following standards of transparency, corporate governance and proactivity in communicating with investors, our members will benefit from added value, attract funding more easily, have the reputation and trust necessary for the continued development of their business.

The Romanian Investor Relations Association – ARIR was founded at the initiative of Daniela Maior Serban in November 2018 together with the founding members: Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), ALRO, Franklin Templeton Management – Bucharest, Hidroelectrica, Nuclearelectrica, Teraplast, Transelectrica, and Tony Romani. The following companies have joined the community: Electrica, OMV Petrom, Antibiotice, Purcari, Salt Bank, BRK Financial Group, Banca Transilvania, Transgaz, MedLife, Romcarbon, Farmaceutica REMEDIA, Autonom, IMPACT Developer & Contractor, One United Properties, Transport Trade Services, Patria Bank, Connections Consult, BRD – Groupe Société Générale, Rompetrol, Agista, Mecanica Fină, AQUILA, Bento, ROMGAZ, DN AGRAR and Sphera Franchise Group as Associate Members. ENVISIA, RTPR, Mazars,  Marsh Broker de Asigurare – Reasigurare, and Dentons became Affiliated Members.

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About the National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men (ANES):   

The National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men (ANES) operates as a specialized institution of central public administration, under the Ministry of Family, Youth, and Equal Opportunities, with legal personality. Its responsibilities include developing, coordinating, and implementing government strategies and policies in the areas of gender equality and treatment, as well as preventing and combating domestic violence.

The mission of ANES is to promote the principle of equal opportunities and treatment between women and men, with the aim of eliminating all forms of sex-based discrimination and preventing and combating domestic violence through the implementation of measures, policies, and programs tailored to the needs of victims.

ANES was established according to the provisions of Article 23, paragraph (1) of Law no. 202/2002 on Equal Opportunities and Treatment between Women and Men, republished, with subsequent amendments and completions, and its functions and main responsibilities were established by Government Decision no. 177/2016. Additionally, the Agency’s activities are governed by two normative acts: Law no. 202/2002 on Equal Opportunities and Treatment between Women and Men, with subsequent amendments and completions, and Law no. 217/2003 on Preventing and Combating Domestic Violence, republished.


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