ARIR celebrates one year of activity


The Romanian Investor Relations Association (ARIR), the only professional association for best practices in investor relations in Romania, marks today one year of activity.

Daniela Șerban, ARIR President & Co-Founder:
“Over 100 professionals representing leading companies of the Romanian economy, listed on the stock exchange, got together to shape ARIR. We aim with enthusiasm, every day, through projects and ideas to contribute to a better communication of companies with investors, an improved corporate governance and finally more developed capital markets. Investor relations is not only a profession, is a state of mind, which gains more and more drive on our market as well.”

Valentina Dinu, Head of Communication and Investor Relations Department, Nuclearelectrica, Founding Member:
„Currently ARIR has over 15 members, solid listed companies, with good results, oriented towards achieving a standard of excellence in investor relations and an advantageous positioning on the capital markets. Corporate governance, with all its implications, is an important criterion for evaluating the issuers, directly proportional to the increasing activity of institutional investors, development of the capital markets, active environment policies and digitization. Setting-up ARIR, an excellent idea of Daniela Șerban, the President of the Association, proofs in the first place the growing awareness towards the importance of transparency, of the accuracy of information and of corporate governance in Romania, and secondly, with a rapid increase in the number of members in just one year, a sustained course of action in this regard.”

Ioana Birta, CFO TeraPlast, Founding Member:
„At the initiative of ARIR, we were involved this year in concrete projects such as draft of the regulations concerning the remuneration policy, the transactions with affiliates and the financial reporting in electronic format. As founding member, we congratulate ARIR’s team for their activity so far and we wish them success in facilitating the communication between companies and investors, contributing as well as to strengthening the links between companies and analysts.”

Anamaria Acristini-Georgescu, CSO Electrica, Associate Member:
„On behalf of Electrica team, we congratulate ARIR for the evolution it had in the first year of existence. All the projects initiated in this period show the willingness to be near the listed companies or the ones with potential to become listed, in order to support them in adopting the highest standards of corporate governance and communication with investors. The rapid development of ARIR is the proof of a strong team, one that is ready to face the challenges. Moreover, it is a team that surprised us both by dedication and by initiating some major projects for the development of the capital market and of the listed companies by offering them training, all aiming to improve the investors’ perception of the Romanian capital market.
We are pleased that Electrica is part of the continuing growing community created by ARIR, as an Associate Member, and we wish to contribute together to the evolution and consolidation of this area in Romania. Congratulations on the initiative and much success! ”

In the last 12 months, ARIR organized over 20 events for its members and the capital market community, a Forum with more than 10 international speakers, relaunched VEKTOR project, that evaluates the communication of the listed companies with investors, concluded several international partnerships – including for offering an international certificate in Investor Relations and had over 600 mentions in media. On November 25th will organise AR&IR Gala, the first event to recognize performance in Investor Relations, in collaboration with Institutional Investor.

ARIR was established on November 13, 2018 by listed companies, companies with potential to become listed companies, fund managers and Investor Relations professionals. The founding members are : BVB, ALRO, Electromagnetica, Franklin Templeton Management – Bucharest Branch, Hidroelectrica, Nuclearelectrica, Teraplast, Transelectrica, Daniela Șerban, Cosmin Răduță and Tony Romani. Electrica, OMV Petrom, Antibiotice and Purcari joined as Associate Members and INNOVA Project Consulting as Affiliate Member.


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