ARIR PROPOSES 3 MEASURES FOR PROACTIVE COMMUNICATION WITH INVESTORS: 1. dedicated website page for listed companies’ briefings on measures taken 2. online roundtable with the management of the listed companies 3. weekly online dialogue with ARIR members


The Romanian Investor Relations Association (ARIR) announces a plan of immediate measures to complete the communication of listed companies with investors, so that they have centralized and quick access to the management of the listed companies, in the context of the coronavirus pandemic.
Daniela Șerban, ARIR President & Co-Founder:
”Even more in times of crisis, we encourage the proactive communication of companies with investors, and at this moment the use of online channels preponderantly. Thus, we stay close to our members to support them and facilitate this dialogue. We consider that the shareholders, the investors and the press need up-to-date, clear and complete information about companies’ activity. At the same time, we are in permanent dialogue with the relevant authorities to support the listed companies from the perspective of clarifying the regulations in the new context.”

Wishing to give investors more clarity on the measures taken by listed companies and how are affected by the state of emergency, ARIR proposes 3 proactive actions for the communication with investors, as follows:
1. Dedicated page on ARIR website, gathering in one place information and news from listed companies regarding the measures implemented and the impact of COVID-19 on the business.
2. Online roundtable with the management of the listed companies from the main industries active on the capital market. The first event will take place on 24th of March, starting 14.00, having as speakers:
Antibiotice: Ioan Nani, CEO
• Electrica: Corina Popescu, CEO
• Purcari: Eugen Comendant, COO
• TeraPlast: Alexandru Stânean, CEO
• Moderator: Daniela Șerban, ARIR President

We will discuss the main measures implemented during this period in order to ensure the safety of the employees and the continuity of business, as well as the specifics of each industry.
To confirm your participation, register HERE.The event will be held in Romanian.
3. Weekly online discussions between the representatives of listed companies (IR) and investors, analysts and the press starting 30th of March, every Monday, starting 14:00.

Many listed companies have announced and implemented updated contingency plans and increased safety measures to deal with the present emergency situation from Romania.
Depending on the evolution of the current situation, ARIR working group will adjust the announced measures to facilitate the information of all stakeholders.

The event „Online roundtable with the management of the listed companies” will be live at


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