ARIR proposes 7 principles of good practices for responsible business


The Romanian Investor Relations Association (ARIR), in partnership with Innova Project Consulting and, proposes 7 principles of responsible business. The objective is to support companies in defining responsible business and adapting to a new way of governance. The best practice recommendations are brought together in a guideline launched today during ARIR Forum, in a dedicated panel.
The principles are: 1. Governance and Business Ethics, 2. Responsible human resources management, 3. Community involvement, 4. Responsible products, 5. You are part of the circular economy, 6. Transparency, 7. Responsible investing.

Daniela Șerban, ARIR President & Co-Founder:
„In an unprecedented situation, an impressive number of companies involved in the community. I saw first and foremost responsibility, beyond the goal of making a profit. Thus, we have drawn a set of values that will make us even stronger on the long run. For those investing, if two companies of the same size have the same profitability ratios, the difference will reside in the way they organize and manage their business and its continuity, their care for the employees and for the environment.”


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