Cerasela-Simona Vasiliu, IR Officer, Antibiotice SA

Professionals Catalogue

Graduate of the Faculty of Mechanics, Master’s degree in Management and Business Administration (MBA)

27 years of experience


“Investor Relations (IR) professionals must understand their audience, practice active listening, and align the company’s story with market demands.”


Cerasela Vasiliu’s passion for the exact sciences and her fascination with the complexity of technology have been the catalysts for her successful career, spanning nearly four decades at Antibiotice. A graduate of the Faculty of Mechanics, she initially dreamed of becoming a test pilot for automotive prototypes in Pitești. Her desire to explore new career perspectives led her to pursue an MBA, which added a management component to her initial passion for science.

“Human potential is immense; we just need to give ourselves the chance to bring out the best in us and never fear competition. This has been the motto that motivated me throughout my personal development,” shares Cerasela Vasiliu, Investor Relations Officer at Antibiotice.

The encounter with the capital market and the creation of the Investor Relations department

In April 1997, with Antibiotice’s listing on the stock exchange, the need arose to establish an Investor Relations department, and her appointment to such a project represented a major challenge. Transitioning from technical roles and business management to the complex and delicate realm of investor relations was a test of adaptability and an opportunity for growth.

“The success of a career is a combination of accumulated knowledge and the ability to build authentic relationships based on trust and respect,” she states.

Cerasela Vasiliu considers her active participation in the creation and development of this department to be her greatest professional achievement. The project required a deep understanding of the market, adaptability, and a strong commitment to open and accurate financial communication. “It’s a team effort, and without the help of colleagues within the company and the trust of the management, the project would not have achieved the same results,” emphasizes Cerasela Vasiliu.

The role and the challenges of an Investor Relations Specialist

The profession of Investor Relations Specialist goes far beyond simply delivering financial reports. It requires strategic vision and the ability to craft a clear and compelling financial narrative for a diverse audience. From organizing investor meetings and conferences to roadshows and webinars, Cerasela Vasiliu’s responsibilities have been multifaceted, involving detailed financial data analysis, market trend monitoring, and close collaboration with various departments such as finance, accounting, and legal. An investor relations specialist must convey transparency and build trust, with the ultimate goal of fostering a strong reputation for the company in financial markets.

“This career attracted me because of its challenges, as I am used to not choosing the easy path. The beauty of human relationships played a particularly important role, as the amount of knowledge gained from exchanging best practices is invaluable,” she explains, emphasizing that the challenges and lessons learned along the way have significantly shaped her career.

“The challenges of this profession are considerable, including managing the expectations of investors, the media, and regulatory authorities, all against the backdrop of an ever-dynamic financial market.”

Recommendations for the generations transition in the Investor Relations profession

For those starting their careers in investor relations, Cerasela Vasiliu’s recommendations include developing both technical and emotional skills. Investor relations professionals must understand the company’s story and be able to communicate it effectively, be fluent in financial language, and develop emotional intelligence to engage empathetically with investors. Their mission is to maintain transparency, build trust, and strengthen the company’s reputation.

The challenges of the profession include managing the expectations of investors, analysts, the media, and regulatory authorities, while keeping an eye on market dynamics and adapting to ongoing regulatory changes. Additionally, interacting with a diverse and influential audience, contributing to the company’s strategy, and the opportunity to learn from leaders are other compelling aspects of the role. “This role, although demanding, offers a unique opportunity for personal and professional growth but also requires adaptability and resilience,” says Cerasela Vasiliu.

Choosing a mentor or role model and being open to feedback are other key recommendations for young professionals.
“We often say ‘hats off’ to those who have reached the highest levels of achievement. We likely feel a mix of genuine admiration, amazement at their efforts, and maybe even a hint of envy. But certainly, we also feel inspired to be better, more competitive, and closer to the top ourselves. Because it’s clear: if some can reach the ‘number one’ spot, then you can certainly do it too,” says Cerasela Vasiliu.

With each passing year, the core values for building a sustainable career in investor relations remain “passion, discipline, and a constant desire for learning,” along with a leadership team that knows how to appreciate and maximize human potential at the highest level,” she explains.


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