Over 100 companies active in Romania, out of which 15 listed companies, donated for the fight against COVID-19 pandemic


ARIR pleads for the restart of the economy as soon as possible

The Romanian Investor Relations Association (ARIR) remarks the unprecedented involvement of the Romanian companies in combating the spread of COVID-19 virus and notes the pro-activity in communicating with the population and investors, in the case of listed companies. According to ARIR estimates, at the end of March, over 100 companies had announced support measures for the health system (out of which 15 listed companies), worth over 12 million euros (7 million euros from listed ones).
The largest donations in money were announced by: Hidroelectrica (~ 2 million eur), Romgaz (~ 1.1 million eur), OMV Petrom and Banca Transilvania (1 million eur), Philip Morris (under 1 million eur), Nuclearelectrica (0.7 million eur), BRD, BCR and ING (below 0.5 million eur), followed by Orange, Mega Image, Coca Cola. ARIR’s members, ALRO, Antibiotice, BRK Financial Group, Idea Bank, Purcari, Electrica and Teraplast also supported this cause.
Others, Dacia, Arctic, McDonald’s, Sanofi, eMAG, Unilever, are among the companies that have supported the medical system through in-kind donations, such as car fleets for hospitals, food for medical staff, medicines, medical equipment and materials, disinfectants.

Daniela Șerban, President & Co-Founder ARIR:
“Community involvement is a principle of responsible business promoted by ARIR and we are all mobilized to support the authorities and the health system. In addition to the donations in money, numerous listed companies on the Bucharest Stock Exchange and not listed from the energy, banking and utilities sectors have adopted measures to support the population. ARIR members from all activity sectors have ensured the continuity of the activity and the identification of solutions that will support the restart of the economy as soon as possible. ”

Depending on the sector, the companies have mobilized and implemented safety measures for the employees, the general public and at the same time to ensure business continuity. In the energy sector, actions have been taken to ensure the connection of consumption places for those coming from abroad and the supply of electricity without incidents. In the pharmaceutical sector companies have adapted the production to meet the needs of the medical system. The banking sector has announced flexibility to support the individuals and legal entities in difficulty, as well as solutions for relaunching business activities as soon as the context allows. Other companies have requested permits from the competent authorities for new products needed to cover the shortage of sanitary materials in Romania.


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