ROCA Industry becomes an Associate Member of ARIR


Bucharest, January 28th, 2025 ARIR (Romanian Association for Investor Relations), the promoter of the Investor Relations (IR) concept, announces that ROCA Industry, (BVB symbol: ROC1), becomes an Associate Member of ARIR. ROCA Industry is the first Romanian industrial holding specialized in the production of construction materials. In approximately three years since its establishment, it has expanded its presence on the capital market by being promoted to the Main Market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB).

Alexandra Țițan, Investor Relations Director at ROCA Industry:

“Joining the ARIR community confirms ROCA Industry’s ongoing commitment to continuous improvement in investor communication. Following the transfer to the Main Market in Q1 2024, the company has continued implementing its strategy to enhance visibility in the capital market. Thus, in September, just six months after the transfer, ROCA Industry shares were included in the BET Plus index. We are grateful for the continuous support of our partners and the trust of our investors, which has been essential to our success in advancing to the Main Market.”

Daniela Maior (Șerban), President and Co-founder ARIR:

“We warmly welcome ROCA Industry to our community, highlighting ARIR’s commitment to transparency and effective communication with investors. Over more than five years, ARIR has grown from 11 to 40 members, including top companies from the BET index. Projects such as the VEKTOR indicator by ARIR have set benchmarks in corporate communication, evaluating over 120 companies annually. We are delighted to see how listed companies contribute to the sustainable development of the capital market.”

ROCA Industry is the first strategic project of ROCA Investments, bringing together Romanian companies specializing in the production of construction materials under the umbrella of a dedicated holding. The company aims to develop and scale strong and sustainable local brands, leveraging both a shared strategy and the synergies generated by their operations

ARIR members are among the largest companies in Romania, which share the objective of implementing best practices of transparency, investor communication and corporate governance.



About the Romanian Investor Relations Association (ARIR):


ARIR is the promoter of the Investor Relations (IR) concept in Romania and we believe that by following standards of transparency, corporate governance and proactivity in communicating with investors, our members will benefit from added value, attract funding more easily, have the reputation and trust necessary for the continued development of their business.

The Romanian Investor Relations Association – ARIR was founded at the initiative of Daniela Maior (Șerban) in November 2018 together with the founding members: Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), ALRO, Franklin Templeton Management – Bucharest, Hidroelectrica, Nuclearelectrica, Teraplast, Transelectrica, and Tony Romani. The following companies have joined the community: Electrica, OMV Petrom, Antibiotice, Purcari, Salt Bank, BRK Financial Group, Banca Transilvania, Transgaz, MedLife, Romcarbon, Farmaceutica REMEDIA, Autonom, IMPACT Developer & Contractor, One United Properties, Transport Trade Services, Patria Bank, BRD – Groupe Société Générale, Rompetrol, Agista, Mecanica Fină, AQUILA, Bento, ROMGAZ, DN AGRAR, Sphera Franchise Group and ROCA Industry as Associate Members. ENVISIA, RTPR, Forvis Mazars and Marsh Broker de Asigurare – Reasigurare became Affiliated Members.

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