ARIR congratulates the Bucharest Stock Exchange for Romania’s achievement of Emerging Market status


The Romanian Investor Relations Association (ARIR) is thrilled to congratulate the Bucharest Stock Exchange for the achievement by Romania’s capital market of Secondary Emerging Market status in the FTSE Equity Country classification. In order to reach the Emerging Market status, Romanian needed to meet the nine FTSE Quality of Markets criteria. The coveted Emerging Market status is further proof of the maturation process undergone by the Romanian capital market in recent years, a process to which ARIR is proud to contribute.

Currently, three Romanian securities issuers specifically meet the FTSE Global All Cap index eligibility criteria as of June 28, 2019: Romgaz, Banca Transilvania and BRD – Groupe Société Generale. The Implementation Plan of FTSE Russell shows that the Secondary Emerging Market Status for Romania will be fully implemented in September 2020, when a number of up to 9 indicative indexes will reflect Romania’s inclusion. In the future, the regional universe within which Romania will be screened for inclusion will be the Emerging Europe review while Romanian securities will be eligible for fast entry to FTSE GEIS if they meet the relevant fast entry thresholds for that region.

Daniela Șerban, ARIR President:
“Romania has now the potential to capitalize on the many years of efforts strengthening its capital market and to take the next step into its development. The status upgrade implies international recognition of the progress that was made and the increasing appeal of the local market for international investors. Investor Relations is subsequently becoming of even greater relevance, as sophisticated international investors will seek primarily issuers with great corporate governance and recognized investor relations capabilities.”


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