Bucharest, December 21st, 2021 – The Romanian Investor Relations Association (ARIR) is glad to announce that Patria Bank (BVB: PBK) joins ARIR as Associated Member.
Patria Bank is a premium issuer on the regulated market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange and has two subordinated bond issues listed also on the regulated market of BVB and traded under the symbols PBK27E and PBK28E.
Patria Bank Group includes also SAI Patria Asset Management, an asset manager that manages, among other things, the BET Patria – Tradeville ETF listed on Bucharest Stock Exchange.
Burak Yildiran, CEO Patria Bank:
“We are an active player on the capital market and through our strategy and actions we aim to bring value to the entire ecosystem. The long-term partnership with investors has contributed to the success of the Bank’s two bond issues. We will respond to the market expectations through consistent and transparent communication, doubled by financial performance. The partnership with ARIR comes to support both our vision on improving the communication with investors strategy and our commitment towards the Romanian entrepreneurs to offer them development opportunities beyond just financing.”
Daniela Șerban, ARIR President and Co-Founder:
“We continue to expand ARIR community and to contribute to the development of the capital market by bringing at the same table the most important players from the economy. The 36th member that joins us has an interesting story on the capital market and has proven innovation and performance. We are glad to expand the presence of the banking sector in the Association with the third issuer and to contribute together to a better communication with smaller companies, entrepreneurs, through access to information about the financing sources available on the market.”
Patria Bank is a Romanian bank dedicated to increasing the degree of banking in Romania and supporting the local entrepreneurs and businesses. With a national physical presence, starting with 2021 Patria Bank is accessible to all Romanian, wherever they are, by offering banking products and services 100% online. Furthermore, the expertise and experience in microfinancing and agro-financing, the understanding of the business model specific to vegetable farmers, small businesses and farmers, partnership with international and local organizations to offer programs and facilities to entrepreneurs, make Patria Bank a reliable business partner with good results and sustained yearly growth. The financial results in the first nine months of the year reflect the positive evolution of Patria Bank, with a net profit of 7.2 mil. RON, increasing by 20% compared to the same period of 2020 and confirming the bank determination to support the economy, the entrepreneurs and all Romanians with new grants of over 762 mil. RON.
ARIR was founded at the initiative of Daniela Șerban in November 2018 together with the founding members: Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), ALRO, Electromagnetica, Franklin Templeton Management – Bucharest office, Hidroelectrica, Nuclearelectrica, Teraplast, Transelectrica, Cosmin Răduță and Tony Romani. Electrica, OMV Petrom, Antibiotice, Purcari, Idea Bank, BRK Financial Group, Banca Transilvania, Transgaz, Biofarm, MedLife, Romcarbon, Farmaceutica REMEDIA, Autonom, Impact Developer & Contractor, 2Performant, One United Properties and Transport Trade Services joined the community as Associate Members. INNOVA Project Consulting, ENVISIA, RTPR, Intercapital Invest, eVote and Mazars became Affiliate Members.
ARIR members are among the largest companies in Romania, which have in common the desire to implement best practices in terms of transparency, communication with investors and corporate governance.
About Romanian Investor Relations Associations (ARIR):
ARIR is a non-governmental and non-profit organization that was set-up to provide current and potential issuers a platform for the development of Investor Relations (IR) professionals and contribute to the implementation of best practices in investor communication and corporate governance. It was established in November 2018 and it currently has 35 members: listed companies, companies with potential to become listed companies, fund managers, IR professionals as well as consultants. The founding members are BVB, ALRO, Electromagnetica, Franklin Templeton Management – Bucharest Branch, Hidroelectrica, Nuclearelectrica, TeraPlast, Transelectrica, Daniela Șerban, Cosmin Răduță and Tony Romani, while Electrica, OMV Petrom, Antibiotice, Purcari, Idea Bank, BRK Financial Group, Banca Transilvania, Transgaz, Biofarm, MedLife, Romcarbon, Farmaceutica REMEDIA, Autonom, IMPACT Deleveloper & Contractor, 2Performant, One United Properties and Transport Trade Services joined as Associate Members and INNOVA Project Consulting, ENVISIA, RTPR, Intercapital Invest, eVote and Mazars as Affiliate Members.
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About Patria Bank | www.patriabank.ro
Patria Bank is a Romanian bank dedicated to increasing the degree of banking in Romania and supporting the local entrepreneurs and businesses. The majority shareholder of Patria Bank Group is the Emerging Europe Accession Fund (EEAF), a private equity fund whose main investors are the EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development), the EIF (European Investment Fund, part of the European Bank Group for Investments), DEG (Development Bank, part of the KFW banking group) and BSTDB (Development Bank of the Black Sea Region). Additional information about the bank is available at www.patriabank.ro .